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Career Link

New to Canada?  Looking for work in your profession?


Career Link is an 12 week program for Internationally Trained Professionals with good communicative skills  who are work-ready.  Our goal is to help our clients learn about business culture in Canada, how to job search, network and how to succeed in the workplace, once hired.     


We cover such topics as Personal Branding, using Social Media to increase job opportunities, Team Building, Corporate Culture, Customer Service, Management Styles and Strategies, and the Future of Business in Canada. 


Additionally, clients will work with an Pre Employment Advisor to improve their resume, interview skills and networking abilities. 


After the 12 week in-class portion of our program, our clients will work with our Job Developer to find a placement or paid employment in their field or a related field.


Course Starting:  April 2020


For more information contact Adult Language and Learning 519-354-7424

or visit (240 King St W Suite 101) for an Information Session.


How to Register


Contact Connie at 519.354.7424

or email:


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